NIN x Pen88 – Night

 I’m not exactly sure which company manufactured this ink (since it’s obviously Sailor from the outer look but Sailor said they did (and will) not OEM inks for others )  Anyway, I got this one from Pen88 (鋼筆工作室) in Taipei.  According to them, this is a limited edition set of 12 bottles which is similar to Sailor Joshiiro-ink (女子いろDays )  The interesting part about this set is, they use pantone code for the color and Night is 2768U.

Initially I thought this was black (and wondering why they have black for LE ink…) but it turned out to be a very very very very dark and dense blue, darker than Iroshizuku Shin-Kai (深海), Tsuki-yo (月夜), and RK 120 anniversary BBK.  It is similar to BungBox Silent Night (聖夜) but this bottle is more toward the blue side while Silent Night is toward gray side.

Very saturated color, on the other hand, limited shading.  However it bleed slightly through iPaper UCCU that it might need a finer nib pen.

CP value: ??, since it’s already sold out

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